By combining different techniques and looking for unexpected places and surfaces for creative expression, we want to talk not only about the processes in the field of art, but also about social and cultural realities. Combining our creative forces and abilities in one initiative, we aim to delve into the issues of vulnerable groups, social stereotypes and other relevant topics. We are interested in the role of art in contemporary society and its opportunities to participate in the society's development.

Lina Šlipavičiūtė-Černiauskienė
urban artist
As a creator of monumental art, I am interested in the possibilities of transforming space by integrating works of art into it - how space / place with its history affects the work that emerges in it and vice versa. Meanwhile, the compositions in smaller formats allow me to explore another dimension that is important to me - the psychological space and the phenomena that take place in it.

Lauryna Kiškytė
metal artist, gilder
In my work I research the problems of human memory, memories and myths. Jewelry is inseparable from the human body, so I am constantly maneuvering between the layers of thought, imagination and tact, objectivity.